Case Studies


At Mindhoney, we've transformed the growth trajectory with a tiered "Buy More, Save More" strategy and subscription model, powered by targeted Facebook and Google Ads campaigns, fostering unprecedented customer loyalty and substantial revenue growth in e-commerce.

💡 Paid Advertising
💡 Landing Page Development
💡 Website Development
☑️ 1.5ROAS on First time customers
☑️ 3ROAS on a 120 day lifetime value
☑️ Increased website conversion rate to 5%+
☑️ META asset creation for all campaigns

Project Overview

Media Jet achieved it through meticulous data analysis and strategic planning. They implemented a tiered "Buy More, Save More" strategy that incentivized larger purchases while optimizing customer retention through personalized subscription offers. Their targeted Facebook and Google Ads campaigns utilized advanced segmentation and A/B testing to maximize ROI, ultimately driving significant increases in both customer engagement and revenue for Mindhoney.


Media Jet Marketing has executed a strategic plan to scale Mindhoney and position it as a leader in the nootropics industry. By conducting in-depth market research, we tailored targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads, ensuring precise audience engagement with compelling ad creatives. Our development and meticulous A/B testing of landing pages highlighted Mindhoney's unique benefits, improving conversion rates through continuous refinement based on user behavior and engagement metrics. Advanced analytics allowed us to monitor campaign performance closely, making real-time adjustments to optimize ROI and implement effective remarketing strategies. These efforts in targeted advertising, audience engagement, and landing page optimization have driven significant growth, solidifying Mindhoney's position as a top brand in the competitive nootropics market.


Over the past two years, Media Jet Marketing has significantly scaled Mindhoney, positioning it as a leader in the nootropics industry. By focusing on highly targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads, we ensured precise audience engagement, driving a steady stream of high-quality traffic to Mindhoney’s website. Our expertise in developing and optimizing landing pages played a crucial role in enhancing user experience and maximizing conversions. Each landing page was meticulously designed and A/B tested to ensure it effectively communicated Mindhoney's unique value propositions, leading to higher conversion rates. Continuous performance monitoring and data-driven optimization allowed us to fine-tune our strategies, making real-time adjustments to maximize ROI. These combined efforts resulted in substantial growth for Mindhoney, establishing it as a top brand in the competitive nootropics market.

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